Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gwenyth Aint No Menace.

Taking to the North Sydney Streets like a Dame, Gwyneth makes us blush.

Gwyneth. What a beautiful name.

Why thank you, my brothers name was Bob, so he drew the short straw, didn't he just! Bo Ha Ha, gets me everytime.

What are you up to on this fine Thursday afternoon?

I just visited the clinic for my check ups. They make you wait a long time there, but I really am just so greatful to have the hospital and all the doctors there.

Oh my, I am quite struck by your walking stick there, Gwyneth. Where did you get that?

Well, it is solid oak. I had bought a much fancier one but then a friend gave me this one and it is just so trusty. I am certain that it has saved me from quite a few falls.

Walk me through your outfit.

All the ones at the self-care-home, where I live, tell me I always match my colours. and look what I have done today. As pink as a button.

Right down to your fancy breast cancer pin. Represent!

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